Precision Concrete Cutting Midwest manages sidewalks assets for a variety of clients seeking to improve walkability in their communities and work towards compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Examples include, but are not limited to:
MunicipalitiesPrecision Concrete Cutting annual sidewalk program helps municipalities create safe, walkable, and compliant communities —all while helping them stretch their budgets. As part of this program, we provide clients with a detailed map outlining the locations and severity of hazards and work closely with our points of contact to ensure operations run flawlessly.
Universities, Colleges, Schools, and Private CampusesFrom massive state college campuses to the smallest elementary schools, Precision Concrete Cutting is a favorite option for schools that want to create safe, walkable environments for students, families and faculty alike. Ask us about schools we have worked with in your area.
Property Management CompaniesProperty managers are pulled in a thousand directions every day and can’t do it all. That is why they hire Precision Concrete Cutting. We lighten their load, enabling them to focus on other projects. When necessary, Precision Concrete Cutting works closely with boards and anyone else involved in the decision-making process on sidewalks asset management.
HOAs and Apartment ComplexesHOAs and apartment complexes take pride in their communities and know walkability is increasingly something renters and buyers insist on. Precision Concrete Cutting helps HOAs and apartment complexes stay compliant without causing significant disturbance to those who live in them.
Hospitals and Retirement CommunitiesHospital communities and retirement communities often feel an added responsibility to have compliant sidewalks that are free from trip and fall hazards. For this reason, they often choose to utilize the most thorough of Precision Concrete Cuttings' offerings, eliminating all hazard completely.
Other...The above is just a small sampling of Precision Concrete Cutting's most common clients, but it is far from an exhaustive list. We serve a variety of other clients, from government-managed facilities to corporate office parks to churches to neighborhood redevelopment programs. We even have some fun with amusement parks. Please call us to hear more about our extensive sidewalk asset management services and clientele.